Our Purpose

To inject positive instructions from written and verbal knowledge that will reveal the snares, traps, consequences and escape routes from many of the conditions our youth find themselves facing today.

To plant hope for a more positive future.

Our Mission

  • To ignite an active community concern that will move our city and state to address the challenges of our youth and confront the many negative influences of street survival and gun violence.
  • To rally and organize the mature adults of our society to reveal to our youth the snares, traps, consequences and the escape routes from many of the conditions our youth find themselves facing today.
  • To compassionately devise and maintain multi-faceted youth mentoring opportunities.
  • To function as an intake center for other youth having special needs or special counseling.
  • To collaborate with other organizations to provide our youth with wisdom, training, instruction, employment, opportunities, activities and education.

Our Goals

To Start a Movement:

  • To challenge the negative visual and verbal street codes which require our teens to respond to conflicts with gun violence that almost always jeopardizes their personal wellbeing and disrupts their future.
  • To vividly unveil the truth.
  • To reduce the number of persons at a tender age from accepting and adopting negative influences.
  • To equip our youth with a desire to reach for and obtain principles that enable them to enjoy the qualities of life.
  • To detour the mindset and attitude of hopelessness.

Develop and Present a Holistic Instructional/Informative Program That Would:

  • Be acceptable to “the powers that be” to open the institutional doorways on a regular basis at the elementary, mid school, churches, youth clubs, reformatories and other places where our youth are gathered.
  • To accomplish our goals as mentioned above starting with our young kids around the age of 8-12 years old.

Develop and Present a Holistic Curriculum and System Designed to:

  • Make our youth aware of the dangers ahead.
  • Employ reformed juvenile and reentry persons to tell the untold story of the danger.
  • Solicit reformed Old-Schools and Old G’s to show the scars and tell of the wounds and losses resulting from gang violence, drug trafficking, territory wars and deviant life style decisions.
  • Equip and prepare the attendees to re-tell their stories.
  • Develop a system that would assist younger family member(s) of the incarcerated; i.e. specially-designed classes to deter like-behavior.
  • Devise a system for sobering the minds of parents to start becoming “intentional” in child raising.

Remove Obstructions:

  • Provide alternative means of educating and motivating slow-learners.
  • Solicit grants to create more paid-on-the-job training programs at the mid school level.